Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chicken 2008

The GOP's despicable campaign tactics - their repetition of patent falsehoods and pandering to the lowest common denominator - are not worthy of even feigned respect. They have 'succeeded' in the past two Presidential cycles because they make arguments that so defy logic that they cannot be reasonably debated. They launch character attacks that so shock the conscience that scores of people believe them to be fact. They have made dubious slander into an art form and democratic subjugation a science. 

Every 4 years, the GOP challenges the DNC to a game of chicken. And every 4 years, we swerve. 
This year, let's have some faith in the steel of our resolve, in the sturdiness of our arguments, and in the safety of the truth. This year, let's embrace our historic responsibility. Let us grit our teeth, put the pedal to the metal, and turn their sorry asses into an electoral hood ornament.

"Senator McCain, this is Cheryl from OnStar*. We see that your driver's-side douchebag has been deployed..."

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